Embedding disability inclusion in financial services
© George Jefferies https://www.georgejefferies.com
We are a group of disability and financial inclusion specialists, with a mission to advance the economic inclusion of people with disabilities through equitable access to financial services. We launched the Barrier-Free Finance Initiative as a non-profit venture, to engage others who share our passion for disability and financial inclusion to join us on this mission.
We recognise that disability is produced by environments that hinder the participation of people with different impairments. We focus on reforming society by raising awareness and changing attitudes, policies and practices to address the barriers that prevent people with disabilities from using financial services on an equal basis with others. We use an ecosystem approach, involving actors across the disability and financial services sectors to develop best-practise solutions that are replicable across different markets.

Join with us! To achieve our mission, we need to share expertise and best practise, and collaborate with: people with disabilities and their representative organisations, disability inclusion and accessibility experts, and financial inclusion actors including central banks/regulators, disability & development actors, financial services providers (FSPs), industry associations & networks, impact investors, NGOs, think-tanks etc.